Dream Research

Adams, Celeste. "Jungian Dream Interpretation." The Spirit of Maat. Web. 5 November 2013.
  • 7 different Jungian archetypes: Persona, Shadow, Anima, Wise Old Man, Great Mother, Divine Child, and Trickster
  • Symbols and signs of each of the archetypes
  • Dreams have healing power for people, the messages they include are supposed to help the dreamer learn about him/herself
  • Comparison of the subjective and objective dream
Dotson, Mark. "Jung's Theory of Dreams." 1996. Web. 5 November 2013.
  • "Jung claimed that dream analysis is the primary way to gain knowledge of the unconscious mind." We can look at what a person dreams and how they react to the dream to find out more about their personality and conscious.
  • Dreams originate in a person's unconscious mind and can be analyzed to find out more about the person
  • Dreams can be altered by the balance of negative and positive aspects of life
  • Examples of a flag or swastika as symbols within dreams
  • Effects of sleep on dreams
Freud, Sigmund. "The" Interpretation of Dreams. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1913. Print.
  • Dreams derive from reality
  • "However strange the dream may seem, it can never detach itself from reality, and its most sublime as well as its most farcical structures but always borrow their elementary material either from what we have seen with out eyes in some outer world, or from what has preciously found a place somewhere in our waking thoughts."  Dreams do not come out of nowhere, they are a result of our conscious actions and experiences
  • Delboeuf's dream experience with the plants
  • Many of the subjects that are in our dreams are there even though our conscious minds might not remember seeing them (example of advertisement in dream)
  • Parts of our past and childhood show up in our dreams
  • Things we stress about often show up in our dreams
Masters Of Wisdom. C.G. Jung - The Power of Imagination. 2011. Web. 7 November 2013.
  • Video to embed in prezi
  • Manifestation of fantasy
  • What dreams tell us about ourselves

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